Holidays and Travels - round the world and back
The family love their holidays and travels. Sometimes we stay in hotels, just occasionally in a caravan. All of the family enjoy exploring new places- the odd train ride just for fun, a trip to the theatre for Lion (The Lion King of course), a visit to Bristol Zoo for Kanga (and Roo) and a training day in Blackpool for Kanga and Big Beaver. But our very favourite holidays are those where we rent a cottage so that Tommy can sit at the window and enjoy the view while the rest of us shelter from the rain in other ways. This page is a miscellany of our holidays and travels over the last few years.
Big Beaver and Kanga love to come along to the training events organised by Hearing and Sight Solutions. Here they are at Cleveleys - just a short tram ride from Blackpool. Staff from Action on Hearing Loss joined them to share knowledge about working with people who have a combination of sight problems and hearing loss.
Big Beaver and Kanga also had a day out training some staff from care agencies at Trowbridge in Wiltshire. Kanga found a railway bridge to sit on. Unfortunately Dr Beeching had ripped up the track so he didn't see any trains. Kanga thinks there should be more railways and more trains.
Work travels can be great fun. One of our humans drives a bus and sometimes we go on his travels with him. But travels for holidays are best - then we have fun all the time.